To Help Us Find Out More About Relapsing Malaria Infections!

To Help Us Find Out More About Relapsing Malaria Infections!


You are invited to take part in a pioneering malaria challenge study to help us find out more about relapsing malaria and develop a new method for testing vaccines to prevent relapsing malaria infections. 


bio 006 postcard front page


If you are 18 to 45 years of age, in good health, live in Oxfordshire or the surrounding area and able to travel to the Netherlands for the challenge visit, then you may be able to take part.


If you would like to find out more, please visit our website: Oxford Vaccine Group - BIO-006 where you can access the Participant Information Sheet.


If you are interested in joining the study please visit Screening Questionnaire where you can access the screening questions and register your interest.